Warm Weather Services

1) Lawn mowing… Keep your yard neat and trim. Lawns are cut, trimmed and and all areas left clean. Clippings can be hauled away for you. Service can be seasonal, vacation or catered to your needs.

2) Fertilizing… In the Spring, your lawn is struggling to recover from the Winter.   Summer is tough on grass. Heat, drought, foot traffic, and insects stress it out. Feeding your lawn in the summer protects and strengthens it against these problems, and remember that fall feeding is critical. Grass is still growing in the fall. The roots are going down and they need fertilizer.

3) Power raking… This removes built up thatch. Don’t break your back and hands raking. Your lawn needs a deep raking to allow sunlight and air to get to and promote new growth.

4) Aeration… Pulls cores of soil out of the ground to allow water and fertilizer into the root base.

5) Lawn Edging… Leaves a clean finished edge between grass and  other areas.

6) Hedge trimming… Keep your hedges trimmed and well manicured.

7) Eavetrough Cleaning… As part of regular roof maintanence, eavetroughs should be cleaned twice per year.

8) Re-sodding… Whether it is a large or small area, removing dead patches of lawn will improve the appearance of the entire yard.

9) Rock work… Improve the appearance of your yard with rock you specifically picked out in color and size.

10) Dirt Work/ Grading… Making sure your property is graded to ensure proper drainage

Call or e-mail us today for your free estimate coldasiceltd2005@hotmail.com

Michelle 780-405-5078